The Best Public Relations Practitioners in the Capital City Area
are Members of the Public Relations Association of Mississippi (PRAM) Central Chapter

PRAM Central, the largest of nine local chapters geographically located throughout the state, was founded in 1956 and is the top PR pro source for networking, continuing education and professional development throughout Central Mississippi.
PRAM Central's membership consists of public relations professionals from advertising and public relations agencies, corporations and non-profit organizations, government, education and industrial entities, and students studying to become PR professionals.
The PRAM Central chapter is bound by the same constitution, bylaws and code of ethics as the primary State PRAM organization. PRAM Central membership also includes membership in the primary State PRAM organization, and in the Southern Public Relations Federation (SPRF), which brings Mississippi public relations practitioners together with others in Alabama, Louisiana, and the Emerald Coast of the Florida Panhandle.
Members of PRAM Central strive to represent the highest standards of professionalism, honesty and integrity in their dealings with clients, the media, other practitioners and the general public.